Rick Perry Devotional: The Environment

Prayer time with Perry

Prayer Time with Perry

Editors Note: Rick Perry is our guest devotional writer.
In my younger days out in Paint Creek in West Texas, I’d often sit staring out at the sunset in my perfectly knotted Boy Scout kerchief, just thinkin’ about God and his wonderful creation. “This is the day that the Lord has made,” I’d say to myself. I would not do this, however, if the temperature was above 103 degrees. So there are limits to my appreciation of the environment. Gas and oil, which God has placed in the ground for our use and enjoyment, can’t be seen at all. But they’re there.  That’s what these climate-change scientists don’t understand. I wish they’d come to Texas and see how we’ve used these resources to balance our budget and fund our Texas lifestyle.  While they’re here, maybe they could help the kids we haven’t been able to provide with a school breakfast. After all, aren’t these scientists supposed to be smart?

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Music: Hillsong releases learn-to-play videos

Bob Dobbins, the new worship leader for the longtime Australian praise music powerhouse Hillsong, has released a series of YouTube videos showing how to play Hillsongeach of the group’s hundreds of choruses produced over a 20-year span, including Let’s Love God!, We Love You GodFather We Love You and their 2002 international hit Jesus We Really Really Love You. Each video carefully explains through video and voice-over instruction how to play each of the three guitar chords involved in the songs. “We just want to give back something to our fans,” Dobbins said, “and of course to glorify God with our music.”  Each instructional video runs for 23 seconds.

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Act of God or ‘terror attack’?

Both Libya’s Moammar Gaddafi and al Qaida took responsibility for this week’s magnitude 5.8 earthquake that shook the U.S. East Coast and Gaddaficracked the Washington Monument.  “Despite betrayal by devils and traitors, we have struck back at the cowards in Washington,” Gaddafi said in a radio address.  “Moving those tectonic plates was child’s play compared to what I plan in coming days.” An Al Qaida spokesman refuted Gaddafi’s claim, saying their loyal fighters in Waziristan had gathered to call down down the curse of Allah upon their enemies just moments before the quake occurred. A State Department spokesman denied both claims, along with a late charge from televangelist Pat Robertson that the temblor was the result of “quantitative easing” by the Fed.

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Guided meditative practice, Lesson No. 37

The words will come easily, flowing from some unknown source: “Shamballah abugraibShaniatwainHalitosisKirstenDunst.” Something like that.

Our FounderThe words will have a rhythm that vibrates to the music of the spheres, yet may strangely keep time with the beeping car alarm down the street. It will be sonic. It will feel so schweeeet. You will melt, refreeze and then split into shards and flinders. You will meet the God who is immutable, impassible, and timeless. He will quiz you on Open Theism and Orthodox Theodicy and posit you this one challenge: “Define Non-Bivalentist Omniscience.”

You must espouse nothing, but rather be espoused to one spouse only. And then speak this one phrase in a whisper: “My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure.”  Follow this up with a strenuous P90x Core Synergistics workout, a quick shower and then hit the commute.

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Al Mohler: It gets better

Al Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary,  appears in the latest in a series of “It Gets Better, By and By” videos aimed at young fundamentalist teens growing up in moderate households who are bullied Al Mohlerat church by peers who suspect they are inerrantists. “However bad things are, however isolated and alone you feel, it gets better. I remember when I was in the ICU in 2007 and discovered that my  surgeon was a lapsed Episcopalian, my trust in a sovereign and all knowing God was pushed to the limit. Could God truly have arranged this?” In the video, Mohler then takes off his shirt and displays his scar.  “But I made it through, and so will you.”  A book of essays will be published this fall from the series, including submissions by Richard Land, Andy Stanley, John Piper, Chris Tomlin and the combined choirs of Johnson Ferry Baptist Church, Marietta, GA, and First Southern Baptist Church, Scottsdale, AZ.

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