Act of God or ‘terror attack’?

Both Libya’s Moammar Gaddafi and al Qaida took responsibility for this week’s magnitude 5.8 earthquake that shook the U.S. East Coast and Gaddaficracked the Washington Monument.  “Despite betrayal by devils and traitors, we have struck back at the cowards in Washington,” Gaddafi said in a radio address.  “Moving those tectonic plates was child’s play compared to what I plan in coming days.” An Al Qaida spokesman refuted Gaddafi’s claim, saying their loyal fighters in Waziristan had gathered to call down down the curse of Allah upon their enemies just moments before the quake occurred. A State Department spokesman denied both claims, along with a late charge from televangelist Pat Robertson that the temblor was the result of “quantitative easing” by the Fed.

About Skippy R

Skippy R is retired after toiling as a scribe for a large denominational newspaper in Texas for about 40 years. He's written for The Wittenburg Door and Beliefnet. He lives in Dallas with his wife, Mrs. Skippy, and leads a Bible study in his home. Mostly spends time running after his grandkids. He is -- what are they calling it now? -- a Jesus follower.
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