I resolve to be more generous. At least, I’ll tip my dental hygienist an extra $50.
I will make every day a Friday, and I will be a better me.
I will hug every single member of my congregation every day… all 30,000 of them.
I will motivate my followers to build a colossal stone pyramid in the middle of downtown Houston, rising higher than the ancient mighty monuments at Giza, to show them their potential.
I will finally figure out what this “theology” stuff is all about.
I will deny that the glass is half empty by pouring it all out and starting over, this time filling it with soothing Chamomile tea.
I will never stop pursuing my dream of spreading hope based on a gauzy idea of innate human goodness and keeping the “right perspective.”
Did I already say I will smile more?
I will bury my questions, resentments, fears and frustrations even deeper, because to confess them might “speak them into existence,” even though they actually do already exist, but… oh, never mind.
I will be an overcomer anyway, through praise and a variety of altered mental states.