Rick Perry Devotional

We’re delighted to have Gov. Rick Perry begin a devotional series for us. Today’s Verse is Psalm 109:8–“Let his days be few; and let another take his office. Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow.”

Rick Perry devotional

Prayer Time With Perry

The most important things in life, we all learned in Sunday School. This Psalm is surely a message for our current president, but it must be taken in context.  Not that we wish him harm, far from it. To step down gracefully would of course be the best option. But God, as we say here in Texas, isn’t kidding.  Just what is it about “that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth” that President Obama doesn’t understand?

When you ride up on a nest of water moccasins in a creek,  you got no second thoughts, you just blast those freaking’ evil reptiles. In spring they will often ball up in a sunny area to heat up and to copulate in their own fashion. I’ve personally never lamented for them. Thank you, God. Amen.

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Temps Rise, Fear of Hell Plummets

With 100-plus temperatures baking the nation for most of the summer, many evangelical and fundamentalist churches have seen a drop in attendance.

Heat Wave“When you can fry an egg on the sidewalk, preaching about an eternity in hell seems beside the point,” lamented Ed Stephens, pastor of Bethel Bible Temple in Tulsa.

In response, many churches are switching their emphasis from fear of damnation to touting the pleasures of a refreshingly cool and crisp — even minty-fresh –Heaven.

John Hagee’s church conducted a “Fourth of July Chill-Down with Jesus” featuring elaborate sets from the original Superman movie’s arctic Fortress of Solitude and then knocking the A/C down to a shivering 40 degrees.

“The angels are waiting for you up there,” Hagee thundered from the pulpit last Sunday. “They’re waiting with earmuffs and igloos for you repentant sinners!”  More than 100 people walked the aisle for counseling and a complimentary cup of hot chocolate.

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