Next ‘Generation’ may really suck

According to The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, naming the latest youth generation has become something of a problem. The last “generation” tagged by sociologists was Generation Z, born between the early- to mid- 1990s and the early 2000s. With the English alphabet exhausted, some experts are experimenting with punctuation marks and even the Khoisan languages of the Bushmen in Southern Africa, who use click consonants as phonemes.

generation what?The clicks involve a sucking action by the tongue, but the position of the tongue and the way in which air is released into the mouth vary; thus clicks may be dental, alveolar, alveolo-palatal, cerebral, lateral, labial, or retroflex; voiced, voiceless, or nasal; aspirated or glottal.

“Any one of those would do nicely,” explained Steve Choatley, professor of anthropology at New Kingsley College in Florida. “But finding a symbol to represent the sound will be difficult.”

Labeling the new generation is especially important to marketers and advertisers, he said, and ad agencies are frustrated by the delay by scholars in properly tagging this latest eager wave of consumers.

“It’s crucial we come up with something soon,” Choatley said. “The economy depends on it, and a lost generation is drifting toward irrelevance.”

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Rick Perry Devotional: Multiculturalism

Editor’s Note: Gov. Perry is our guest devotional writer.
Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight! Today’s focus is the importance of multiculturalism. I value the Democrat way of life. I was Prayer Time With Perryraised as a Democrat, and entered political life as one. I know their ways, their morays and culture. Like Sam Houston, who was raised among the Cherokee, I am on the inside of the Democrat brain. They can’t fool me. I’m one step ahead. Still,  I’ve always reached across the aisle. Mostly I’ve reached across the aisle to smack a Democrat, but still. …Isn’t it all about getting along and getting your way? Peace out.

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Somalis reject Baptist relief offer

(Baptist Press)–A crowd of angry villagers in Somalia, who are suffering a terrible drought because of their ignorance and false Muslim religion, expressed disgust at the bags of freeze-dried grits, pigs-in-a-blanket,  and frozen buttermilk biscuits the Texas Baptist Men relief team unloaded from their truck. “We cannot eat these,” explained one villager. “It is Ramadan. And besides, we have no water, no microwaves!” One truck was overturned, its windshield broken and it’s sides severely dented by continuous pounding from the frozen rolls of delectable buttery goodness. The volunteers escaped, but one TBM yellow hardhat had to be abandoned at the scene.

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Rick Perry Devotional: Clinton a vegan?

Editor’s Note: Gov. Perry is our guest devotional writer.
The media jackals are reporting that former President Bill Clinton has become a vegan (that’s a hardcore vegetarian).  I hesitate to believe it, but if it’s true, it’s a terrible witness for someone who claims to be a Baptist.

Prayer Time With Perry

Prayer Time With Perry

I don’t personally know any vegans, but I’ve seen them coming out of their yoga and yogurt shops and they always look sickly and lean. The beef industry has backed me from the beginning, and they have biblical support. Did God ask for any burnt offerings of yogurt or green beans? No. Look it up. At any rate how far would a politician get if he promised everyone “a chickpea in every pot” instead of a chicken? You do the math.

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Game Review: Righteously Angry Birds Prevail

FINDING CHRIST IN CULTURE DEPT.–The Angry Birds game app at first seems like any other mindless diversion on your iPhone. A closer look finds that it subtly emphasizes important biblical truths. With the stealing of the eggs Angry Birdsby the pigs, an obvious moral wrong has to be righted. The righteous anger of the birds is then directed against the Levitically unclean green pigs, reminding us of Jesus casting the legion of demons into the herd of swine in Matthew 8:31. In this game though, the pigs don’t wisely drown themselves, but foolishly hide in fortified bunkers, which are systematically demolished by the clever avian disciples. Indeed, it seems  “the very gates of hell” shall not prevail against this flock. The Angry Bird can now rightfully take it’s place with the dove in Christian iconography. (Next week we review The Legend of Zelda: Princess of the Church at Antioch)

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