Home & Family Values Corner: Pet names

HouseToday we turn our attention to some “pet” names some of you give your children that can lead to a breakdown of authority. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard Dads call their sons “buddy” rather than using their given Christian name. “Hey, Buddy!” they’ll say. The nickname Buddy has unhealthy similarities to that alternate name for the Evil One, Beelzebub. [“Bub”=”Bud” linguistically] Not to forget Buddy Holly, who unleashed rock music on American society. Wikipedia tells us that the popularity of the name Buddy peaked around 1940, at the height of Nazi Germany’s power. I could go on, but you can probably already see the dangers inherent in this habit. Just nip it in the bud.
Next week– Why calling your little daughter “princess” can lead her down the path of Jezebel.

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Rick Perry Devotional: Decisive leadership

Editor’s Note: Gov. Perry is our guest devotional writer.
“No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn” (Isaiah 54:17).

Perry Grenade Launcher

Prayer Time With Perry

I was cleaning my .380 laser-sighted Ruger yesterday and it occurred to me–I have a license to carry a concealed handgun. I need a defining moment in the debate tonight, and to suddenly pull out my pistol would convey the appearance of a decisive leader, someone ready and capable of dealing with any contingency. They’d all probably scatter or jump off the stage. Mitt would prob’ly hide behind Michele, who would surely also be armed. It would be especially hard to get a bead on that wiry Ron Paul. You never know which way a Libertarian is gonna jump. On second thought, maybe  I’ll just leave the Ruger at home. I HAVE been practicing my decisive hand gestures.

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A breakthrough prescription for a political year

With a year of brutal and unforgiving political contests looming before us, has anybody considered just getting a 22-Strand DNA Activation instead?

DNA StrandYou may not be familiar with this technique. It is a  “tremendous gift that was unveiled in 1998 and is now being shared with mankind to help accelerate the spiritual awakening of the collective consciousness of the planet.” But don’t be alarmed, the website assures us it  “is not a new-age phenomenon and has not been channeled.” Whew.  Rather, the technique — associated with the traditional mystery school lineage of King Solomon — has been handed down intact, in an unbroken lineage, generation after generation, for more than 2,500 years.

You may not know that our human form is “composed of 12 physical strands of DNA and 12 corresponding spiritual strands, totaling 24 strands” (I checked the math; that total is correct). The average person has only one strand activated, which accounts for limited brain use in humans.  (It also explains a lot about the electorate, members of Congress, presidential candidates, E!, Wall Street, televangelists, etc.)

And this ain’t just a flash in the pan. “By receiving the 22-Strand DNA Activation, the genetic structure of the activated person will not only be altered, but this change will also affect the individual’s ancestors three to five generations in the past as well as descendants three to five generations in the future.”  That’s way better than what Obama-care promises to do.

Americans are desperate for answers.  Can we all agree to at least try this?

Glenn Beck, you go first.

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Good Christian Bitc…. er, Belles

TV Review:  ABC’s new soap Good Christian Belles set in Dallas is described as a “wicked new drama” based on Kim Gatlin’s book, Good Christian (um…that other B-word). Besides using such gutter language, the program will no doubt disparage Christian family values and the good name of Dallas, home to numerous mega-churches and what used to be God’s favorite football team (God now favors whatever team that Tebow youngster is on). In the show, the ultimate high school “mean girl” is forced to return home in disgrace after her marriage ends in scandal. And rightly so. I can’t see what entertainment value this will have, other than the satisfaction of seeing a sinner get the social ostracization she deserves. But I don’t have to turn on the TV for something I can see every week in church. Bottom line– Just skip this one.

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Rick Perry’s Devotional: God’s work ethic

Editor’s Note: Gov. Perry is our guest devotional writer.
It’s almost Labor Day, and the Bible has a lot to say to the common working man.

Prayer Time With Perry

Prayer Time With Perry

Before the Fall,  Adam and Eve toiled in the Garden without complaint (Genesis 2:15). I’m sure they each had a 15-minute break in the morning and in the afternoon. The Garden was a right-to-work environment. As long as you had the proper legal documents, God would hire you for any number of tasks. But if some labor organizer got you to question your employer– “yea, hath the boss said…” or you tried to steal forbidden snacks off the lunch wagon… well, you were tossed out on your hiney. That’s how I run my Paint Creek cattle ranch. Applying God’s Garden work ethic to America just might bring us back to our former greatness.  I call it taking dominion.

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