Remember: World Humor Offering Sunday, Oct. 2

Frowning MaNThousands of the world’s most vulnerable church staff, members and clergy are living “humor insecure” lives, never knowing where their next laugh is coming from. They are an invisible, suffering population right in our own backyard. They can only laugh if you give. Give generously on World Humor Offering Sunday, Oct. 2. Thank you.

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Daughters of the Neanderthals of the Tundra

The Daughters of the Neanderthals of the Tundra,  Wimberly, Texas, branch, elected Mrs. Bettye Cartwright as president of the genealogical society last week. She traces her lineage through the Colonial settlers, to the Royal Stuart line back to Charlemagne, then through Attila the Hun’s cousin to an early offspring of Cain. Before that it get’s interesting, she said in her inaugural address to the club.

geneology meetingUsing powerful computational statistical tools, gene-splicing enzymes and microarray analysis techniques, scientists have found the Neanderthal legacy accounts for up to 4% of the human genome among people in much of the world today.

“Turns out, my DNA analysis shows I’m related to Mbwa Shwanashig, a Neanderthal woman living near the Vindija cave in Croatia. That takes my line back to about 45,000 BC, totally crushing the meager 170-year lineage of any of those Daughters of the Republic of Texas meeting down the street. Of course Mbwa was a nearly incoherent savage and barely able to bang two rocks together, but still, it’s all about  a hoary and venerable ancestry, right gals?”

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Rick Perry Devotional: Be an ‘Overcomer’

Editor’s Note: Gov. Perry is our guest devotional writer.
OK, Michele Bachmann really raked me over the coals for requiring the HPV virus vaccine for Texas preteen girls.  So just to prove to her that the shot is perfectly harmless and effective, I gave myself one of those “government injections” right in my own hiney (under a doctor’s supervision of course). Sure enough, it’s been several weeks and– no genital warts yet, and I’m cervical-cancer free! It all seems to be working. Guess I called her bluff.

Prayer Time With Perry

Prayer Time With Perry

Next week, I’m gonna challenge that flip-flopper Romney to strip down to our skivvies on stage. People will admire my ranch-hardened body, and be puzzled by his holy Mormon undergarments.

UPDATE!  Herman Cain beat me in the latest straw poll, dang it!  What doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger. I just don’t understand it. Do people think we’re really ready for a black president?  Notice that in the Duane Buck death penalty case, a psychologist testified that black people were more likely to commit violence. Just sayin’. Anyway, this is the point in the campaign where I need to dig deep, find my hidden fighter, sharpen my message, shake up my staff, and come out swinging– i.e, be an “overcomer” (Revelation 21:7). Instead, I think I’ll tout my decisive response to Texas’ feral pig problem: gun ’em all down from choppers. If only every problem were that simple.

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Ugly Band of the Week: Thousand Foot Krutch

Thousand Foor Krutch

The Canadian Christian rock band Thousand Foot Krutch sold over a half a million albums as of 2010, so they must have something going for them other than their sense of style. Their new album is “Welcome to the Masquerade,” but in all their previous promotional photos they’re also in some kind of bad costume, so what’s the big whoop? Those could be little flaming guitars on their black Nehru jacket/leisure suits, or they could be little alien demons, or it could be the logo that lost the competition to represent the Vancouver Winter Olympics. Everything means something, so what do those little symbols tell us? Is it just me, or do I see a similarity in the logo and hairdo? Am I supposed to notice that? Actually these fellows are doing quite well for people who can’t spell. That’s “crutch,” guys.

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Rick Perry Devotional: Democracy in action

Editor’s Note: Gov. Perry is our guest devotional writer.
“Proclaim liberty throughout the land!” (Lev. 25:10)

Prayer Time With Perry

Prayer Time With Perry

It’s been 20 years since Boris Yeltsin stood on top of a tank and, with the support of the Russian people, overthrew the evil Soviet empire. Now that’s what I call democracy in action. And I liked his style. Standing on a tank is a lot easier than going through all these interviews, hand-shaking, baby-kissing, bus trips and TV debates in our so-called “election” process. I was disturbed to discover our Texas National Guard currently has no tanks, but I’ve told them to reserve an armored HumVee or perhaps a Bradley Assault Vehicle for me instead.  Just in case.

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