The Pew Potato, NAE Newsmaker of the Year

Time magazine named “The Protester” its Person of the Year,  and now the National Association of Evangelicals has named “The Pew Potato” its Newsmaker for 2011.

Pew Potato

The Pew Potato, NAE Newsmaker of the Year

NAE President Leith Anderson said the Pew Potato composite character represents the ideal personality for maintaining the status quo in the mainline and evangelical church organization.

“The Pew Potato is someone who, most importantly, shows up. He  occupies his role in the church with regularity and without controversy. Steady to the point of immobility, the Pew Potato provides the ballast that keeps his spiritual ship on course.

“Another key characteristic of the Pew Potato,” Anderson said, ” is his lack of a questioning mind. Sure, as a young spud he may have rocked the boat,  entertained ideas that diverged from the norm, perhaps even questioned his own faith or challenged theological doctrines. But to become a Pew Potato, that attitude has to fade, replaced by a blossoming certainty of one’s own rectitude, leaving the more difficult issues to those paid to handle them.”

Without the Pew Potato, Anderson said, “the church as an important institution in our society might simply fall apart, replaced by small bands of outliers and irritating prophetic voices in the wilderness.”

“But we’ve seen where that leads,” Anderson added, pointing to various persecutions throughout history.  “Been there, done that.”

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OCCUPY: Call & Response… ad infinitum

One of the distinctive characteristics of the Occupy movement has been its quirky “call and response” way of chanting slogans and communicating within the group.  Our blindfolly reporter met with Scott Wilfred, second in command and media consultant,  in the city park where the Occupy group was milling around, chanting and releasing positive energy.

Occupy crowdReporter: Scott, we’ve heard about the “call and response” communication you use. Could you demonstrate?

Scott:  Sure, just a minute. OK, people! “We are the 99 per cent!”

Occupy Chorus:  We are the 99 per cent!

Scott: This is what a police state looks like!

Occupy Chorus: This is what a police state looks like!

Reporter: That’s amazing, Scott. But it seems like an awkward and slow method. This is, after all, the era of instantaneous social media. Doesn’t this get on your nerves sometimes?

Scott:  No! You’re trying to confuse and subvert the revolution!

Occupy Chorus: No! You’re trying to confuse and subvert the revolution!

Reporter: Scott, I’d really prefer to hear your own private views on this. Can you leave the chorus out of it?

Scott:  No! We are united and one with the people!

Occupy Chorus: No! We are united and one with the people!

Occupy GuyReport: OK, then, do they all come with you to the port-a-potty?

Scott: Ha, good one. OK, go ahead and ask your questions.

Occupy Chorus: Ha, good one. OK, go ahead and ask your questions.

Scott:  No, people. Really, I need to talk for a minute with the reporter, please.

Occupy Chorus:  No, people. Really, I need to talk for a minute with the reporter, please.

Scott: Hey… No! Stop repeating what I say!

Occupy Chorus:  Hey… No! Stop repeating what I say!

Scott: No, seriously you idiots. Shut up. I need to talk here!

Occupy Chorus: No, seriously you idiots. Shut up. I need to talk here!

Reporter: Um, I could leave… if you …

Scott: No, no, I’ve got this. People! Do not repeat what I’m saying.

Occupy Chorus: No, no, I’ve got this. People! Do not repeat what I’m saying.

Reporter: Try this one– “The Proletarians have nothing to lose but their marbles.”

Scott: The proletarians have nothing to… wait a minute!!

Occupy Chorus: The proletarians have nothing to… wait a minute!!

Scott: This interview is over!

Occupy Chorus:  This interview is over!

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Obama ‘down under’ causes ruckus

President Obama’s trip to Australia caused an uproar among religious fundamentalists when he visited the town of Darwin. “The president’s presence there gives an official stamp of government approval to Charles Darwin and the teaching of his theory of evolution in public schools,” said James Bryce, director of the Creation Science and Natural Theology Commission in Cleveland, Ohio.  australia“On the other hand, we would also have a problem should the President visit Alice Springs. The use of a female place name suggests that a woman’s place isn’t in the home, but somewhere in the middle of the Outback.”
Instead, Bryce said, the President should visit Melbourne.
“It’s named after the Victorian-era prime minister of England and a fine fellow.  The first part of the city’s name is ‘Mel,’ with intimations of Mel Gibson, Australian director of Passion of the Christ. The second part is ‘Bourne,’ reflective of Jason Bourne, whose mistrust of the CIA and big government interference in people’s personal lives has been portrayed in novels and film.
“Finally, we would only suggest the President take care to avoid the flight path of Oceanic Flight 815 on his return to the USA.”

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Rick Perry Devotional: Steppin’ in it

Editor’s Note: Gov. Perry is our guest devotional writer.
Focal Passage: Matthew 24:10–“And then many will be offended and shall betray one another…”
Well, I really “stepped in it” during that debate.  But so did many of the biblical patriarchs, and some of the Lord’s disciples during their ministries. We’re all human. And actually, it’s not completely my fault. I was betrayed.

Prayer Time With Perry

Prayer Time With Perry

I’ve been counting heavily on my friends among the New Apostolic Reformation Movement and their Rick Perry Pre-Presidential Prayer Team to carry me through. Apparently the team forgot about the debate, went to a church-sponsored BINGO party and neglected to lift me up to the Lord. They’ve proven to me that they don’t have the focus or the deep thinking required to be a qualified Pre-Presidential Prayer Team, and I’m looking into replacing them. I’m just glad I’m not embroiled in a sexual harassment scandal or something. Mostly I blame the media, because… because… Well, you can fill in the details.

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Occupy Elm Mott: Sign of the Almighty Dollar

In a small Texas community north of Waco, Occupy Elm Mott takes up its position at the epicenter of power and privilege in the town– the curb outside the Dollar General store.

Sid Mahoney, proprietor of the Dollar General and interim mayor, approaches the protest.

Occupy Elm Mott“Bob, what do you think you’re doin’?”

“It’s a revolution! We’re occupying your capitalist reactionary storefront, Mr. Mahoney. It’s a symbol of the Wall Street barons and fat cats who are smothering direct democracy and stealing power from the people.” Protester Bob Graham, a part-time student at McClennan County Community College, is active in the theater program there.

Mr. Mahoney stopped and cocked his head. “Now what makes you say that, Bob?”

“Look at your store sign,” Bob said. “It’s got the almighty ‘Dollar’ right there for all to see. Plus the fact that your taxes support the fossil fuel interests that poison our air and water. And, you’re probably putting your profits in a bank, which supports the morally bankrupt financial system. Corporations are not people! Human Need, Not Greed!”

“Bob, you know I don’t make a profit. I break even, and my wife has to work as the greeter at the Antiquibles Mall and Dog Museum for us to get by.”

“No, Mr. Mahoney. We are the roused rabble. We are the 99%. You are the 1%. ”

“Bob, there’s only one of ya out here. And there are about 200 people in this town total. We are the 99 per cent and you are somethin’ less than one percent. Break’s over. Now get back to work.”

Reluctantly Bob picked up his broom and started sweeping the sidewalk where he left off. Occupy Elm Mott would have to wait.

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