[Hello, Americans. Since I need to cover all the bases in order to bring America back to it’s traditional heritage and destiny, I decided to start this little blog post to influence those of you who use the Twitter and Facebook, the smartphones, etc. Each post will include my devotional for the day, relating to issues I’m currently facing. I covet your prayers for myself, my family and for America. Thank you.]
Focal Scripture Passage: 2 Nephi 9:34 — “Woe unto the liar, for he shall be thrust down to hell.”
That son of perdition, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, said a very bad thing about me the other day:
“He didn’t pay taxes for 10 years!” he crowed. But then he added, “Now, do I know that’s true? Well, I’m not certain.”
Well I’M certain that when you say something that you’re not certain is true, then it’s a lie. It’s smear tactics, McCarthyism and a symptom of all the Obamalarkey that’s been growing in this country for four years.
Of course, we Mormons have been victims of religious discrimination before, so we know how to bear up under adversity. But if we’re run out of town forcibly, we DO shoot back. Best remember that, Harry.
On a lighter note, I hope everyone was rooting for my wife, Ann, at the London Olympics this week. Her horse finished 28th out of 32 horses at the Olympic team equestrian dressage competition. Yeah, I know — that’s the breaks. But I actually think that anywhere else she might have had a better chance. As I said in my book No Apology, “England is just a small island. Its roads and houses are small. With few exceptions, it doesn’t make things that people in the rest of the world want to buy.” So — not really the best atmosphere for achieving excellence! Anyway, I know she’ll be rewarded– if not in this world, in the next as a ministering angel in the glory of the Celestial Kingdom.
Next Week: Seven minutes of terror– The search for a vice-presidential nominee.