(Where we supply the shocking headlines and your imagination does the rest).
REVEALED: Entirely different Mayan glyphs predict Angels win World Series in 2012.
Tebow-Obama-Brangelina-Fergie scandal causes gossip-ocalypse!
Could you smoke 35 e-cigarettes in one hour? She did!
Russian nesting-doll cosmological theory places a tiny Putin at center of universe!
Muscle-building secrets of ingesting medium-grade sandpaper revealed!
HANDY: Man turns discarded VCR into functional pinewood-derby racer!
UNCANNY: Swarm of termites shuts down sawmill’s fusebox, saves tot’s life!
Apparition of Ron Paul appears on granola bar wrapper found in dumpster!
WILD: Alligator swallows iPhone 4S; Siri taunts him into surrendering.
32 Ways to Pimp your Prius!
CRIME: Man jailed for violently shaking his inner child!
WEIRD SCIENCE: Physicists propose new edible string-bean unified field theory!
Tweet your way to disassociation and soul loss!
1973’s Comet Kahoutek! On its way back?
Elvis, pet chupacabra spotted near Memphis suburb!
HEARTBREAK: BatBoy fired from bit part in Dark Knight Rises!
Man, woman almost miss meeting atop Empire State Building!
(OK, Tabroids too trashy for you? You can always visit the British Christian tabloid, The Son. Or The Tabloid Bible. I predict you’ll come running back to our vapid offerings.)