Editor’s Note: This is Gov. Perry’s last column for BlindFolly. He’s been our guest devotional writer since August. We’ll be choosing another writer soon.
Focal Passage: Ezekiel 7:6 — “An end is come, the end is come: it watcheth for thee; behold, it is come.”
Scholars say this passage in the Hebrew contains a paronomasia— a play on words or something. But I really don’t feel “paranomasioid” like anyone’s out to get me, honest. It was my own fault that I’m out of the primary race. Remember “Oops?” Ha ha.
Anyway, like I told the folks at the Response Prayer Rally this week, “God’s agenda’s not a political agenda. He’s smarter than that. He’s smart enough, wise enough not to get involved with any political affiliation or any institution that man has made.”
Well, I guess God’s smarter than me, huh? Now I’m throwin’ my support to Newt and goin’ back to Texas, where I’m actually still governor. (Don’t worry about me– I’ll find something to do).
I will, however, be dropping this devotional column. It’s no longer politically expedient. Thanks for faithfully following my spiritual journey along the campaign trail. I still have a little bit of money in my campaign fund to spend, so I’ll probably rest up in Hawaii first.
Goodbye everybody, and, as we say in Texas, “‘Don’t let the doorknob hit ya where the Good Lord split ya.”