Category Archives: Opinion

‘Audacious in their Conjectures’: Why ‘MemeWatch’ Doesn’t Work

Conspiracy theories are in the news again. Actually, it seems like they’re everywhere. As I was binge-watching “Money Heist” on Netflix the other night, I noticed all the talk on that show about “sticking with the Plan” and “trust the … Continue reading

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Memes and Facebook’s Truth Problem

I’m starting a new feature in my Facebook newsfeed called “Meme Watch.”  It will periodically investigate the accuracy of those pesky posts that pop up, devoid of sources, originating from questionable sites, claiming outrageous things or spinning conspiracies and rumor.

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‘A Heart of Many Chambers’ (in the age of social media)

“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.”                          … Continue reading

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Why God Wants You to Wear Your Mask

I’ve noticed a curious contradiction lately. Christian believers are claiming that the Covid-19 guidelines – the quarantines, the masks, the hand washings, the lockdown on gatherings, the business closures – all amount to tyranny, a threat to Constitutional rights, and … Continue reading

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Rethinking Facebook, incivility and violence

Can the hateful things we say on social media somehow lead to violence in society? Yes, they can, and I confess, I’ve been a part of it. God forgive me.

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