Ugly Band of the Week: Thousand Foot Krutch

Thousand Foor Krutch

The Canadian Christian rock band Thousand Foot Krutch sold over a half a million albums as of 2010, so they must have something going for them other than their sense of style. Their new album is “Welcome to the Masquerade,” but in all their previous promotional photos they’re also in some kind of bad costume, so what’s the big whoop? Those could be little flaming guitars on their black Nehru jacket/leisure suits, or they could be little alien demons, or it could be the logo that lost the competition to represent the Vancouver Winter Olympics. Everything means something, so what do those little symbols tell us? Is it just me, or do I see a similarity in the logo and hairdo? Am I supposed to notice that? Actually these fellows are doing quite well for people who can’t spell. That’s “crutch,” guys.

About Skippy R

Skippy R is retired after toiling as a scribe for a large denominational newspaper in Texas for about 40 years. He's written for The Wittenburg Door and Beliefnet. He lives in Dallas with his wife, Mrs. Skippy, and leads a Bible study in his home. Mostly spends time running after his grandkids. He is -- what are they calling it now? -- a Jesus follower.
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One Response to Ugly Band of the Week: Thousand Foot Krutch

  1. me says:

    the sign is the “flame in all of us” from the previous album. they used as the mask in “Welcome to the Masquerade”…we hide behind whatever ur flame or inspiration is…and were supposed to come out from behind…i guess?

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